I have kept quiet as people talked on and on about the happenings around the world. The Peshawar School Incident...the Charlie Hebdo Office...the on going battles at the border...the terrorism and the un-ending fear. And in the midst the chatter I heard people talking about the radical outlook of religions...what is right...what is wrong...how much is okay...how much isn't!
Seriously....leave the people to their beliefs...religion has nothing to do with it.
I don't want to wake up one day and have to explain to my child what my God expects out of us! I only want to tell him...be a good human being, respect your elders, love the children...and just be TOLERANT.
It is okay if someone believes in being a vegetarian...if someone finds drinking wrong...if some person believes in fasting to show your devotion. The fact is...religion gives us a semblance of belonging...a way we can continue to live...and be guided. My husband once very patiently corrected me...Human Beings in general need a Guru...a Guide...a Mentor. Basicallly...someone to tell you what to do, what is right and how to go about it. Very few are led by their own free will...majority simply find it simpler to be told. Now you might want to be told by your parents...your teachers...your spiritual gurus...or the old scriptures that we have turned into "Religions!" but essentially it is all very simple.. when nothing else works...we look for answers in the universe around us and if religion does that for me...I say brilliant!
Stop asking people to not be afraid...or question the tenet of this/that religion...instead simply educate people. Let's work on creating a society where we are truly guided by love and humanity. Let us teach our children to be Tolerant...because that is the premise of love and humanity. Reach out to the world at large...the empty expanse and just be tolerant.
I believe in God...does it exist? I don't know. But I believe that I am looked after, loved and cared for. What name I give to my god hardly matters...my religion has nothing to do with my thought process...my education on the other hand has everything to do with it. Growing up I was not taught about castes, religions, societies or cultural heritage...I was taught about science, history, art, maths and languages. I reach out to the Bhagwad Gita today not under any spiritual devotion but rather as a curious mind, wondering at the thought process that has relevance even today...I reach out to the Bible not to question the tenets of Christianity but to wonder how people have evolved...how thought processes have evolved. I look at religion not as anything apart from lessons in history of mankind. And as I marvel so I wonder at the brilliance of our fore-fathers that have created this world on this earth for us.
To end this I am drawn to include this one simple sentence that I heard on a televised version of Mahabharat. It's not who said it that matters...its what is said that matters...and I translate thus...
The world is not fighting because there is no right left...they are fighting because there is no compassion left! Each party believe they are in the right and perhaps they are...but what the world needs is not the Right and the Wrong but COMPASSION.
Think about it...
Seriously....leave the people to their beliefs...religion has nothing to do with it.
I don't want to wake up one day and have to explain to my child what my God expects out of us! I only want to tell him...be a good human being, respect your elders, love the children...and just be TOLERANT.
It is okay if someone believes in being a vegetarian...if someone finds drinking wrong...if some person believes in fasting to show your devotion. The fact is...religion gives us a semblance of belonging...a way we can continue to live...and be guided. My husband once very patiently corrected me...Human Beings in general need a Guru...a Guide...a Mentor. Basicallly...someone to tell you what to do, what is right and how to go about it. Very few are led by their own free will...majority simply find it simpler to be told. Now you might want to be told by your parents...your teachers...your spiritual gurus...or the old scriptures that we have turned into "Religions!" but essentially it is all very simple.. when nothing else works...we look for answers in the universe around us and if religion does that for me...I say brilliant!
Stop asking people to not be afraid...or question the tenet of this/that religion...instead simply educate people. Let's work on creating a society where we are truly guided by love and humanity. Let us teach our children to be Tolerant...because that is the premise of love and humanity. Reach out to the world at large...the empty expanse and just be tolerant.
I believe in God...does it exist? I don't know. But I believe that I am looked after, loved and cared for. What name I give to my god hardly matters...my religion has nothing to do with my thought process...my education on the other hand has everything to do with it. Growing up I was not taught about castes, religions, societies or cultural heritage...I was taught about science, history, art, maths and languages. I reach out to the Bhagwad Gita today not under any spiritual devotion but rather as a curious mind, wondering at the thought process that has relevance even today...I reach out to the Bible not to question the tenets of Christianity but to wonder how people have evolved...how thought processes have evolved. I look at religion not as anything apart from lessons in history of mankind. And as I marvel so I wonder at the brilliance of our fore-fathers that have created this world on this earth for us.
To end this I am drawn to include this one simple sentence that I heard on a televised version of Mahabharat. It's not who said it that matters...its what is said that matters...and I translate thus...
The world is not fighting because there is no right left...they are fighting because there is no compassion left! Each party believe they are in the right and perhaps they are...but what the world needs is not the Right and the Wrong but COMPASSION.
Think about it...