Whoever thought Love was easy! You have it...Problem! You don't have it...Bigger Problem. With the advent of the month of February, something changes. All of a sudden flowers blossom, there is a general happiness about the air altogether and most importantly you see one too many hearts dangling off every possible hook! As they say...Love is in the Air! God honestly sometime they make it sound like a disease! Some kind of a microbe all ready to clutch you, hold your heart on ransom and give you pain to last for a lifetime! And strangely if you are seen lurking around any of these cool places without a proper partner, people look at you as if you are a busted heart shaped balloon with no takers! Thanks for that help nahin!
I am sounding like a totally disoriented female right now and its anybody's guess that yes there is a bit of bitterness in the heart. A small pang of jealousy does seem to surface whenever I see those lovely mushy coochie coo moments! Yet strangely there is a certain warmth. A warmth that I can feel in my heart, yet sadly lacking in the eyes of the love birds hidden behind a dozen and a half beautiful roses!
I woke up to a mystical morning. Sounds of rain mingled with chants of Om Jai Jagdish Hare reached my ears. Everything was just perfect, my first cup of morning tea, the cool breeze and my warm bed! What else could I ask for? A warm shower, warmer smile of two most adorable kids in the world and it was already a promisisng day! Add to that a drive through the rain, a steaming mug of coffee and good friends! What was missing in my life? Nothing...till I saw a red balloon...and then a second one, a third and fourth and...well you guessed it. I stopped counting! A strange thought nagged me yet again...For one day...why do people realize they love someone?
Now I am back on my bed. Its warm and comfortable. I am listening good music, can hear clouds rumbling up high in the sky, can feel the wind glide through the open window and envelope me. There is that comfort in the heart that everyone I truly love is sleeping peacefully in his/her respective bed, that he/she is warm and safe. My heart has known love and the pain. Perhaps I still don't have a VALENTINE...yet...Life is beautiful. Maybe next year I would have a valentine...maybe not...yet...I know I would never hope for one Valentine day...for it's all there really!
To all of you...A Very Happy Valentine's Day. And I would be posting the story in a couple of days...and oh yes...I could not resist giving a glimpse of my mornin world to all...A view from my balcony!
You've got it...the people you love are happy and safe and also that it's not about one day of love.
So if the red colour and the hearts in the air bug you a little...let them. Hardly matters.
And that's a soft view. :-)
Btw this is my second attempt to leave a comment. I wrote a long one yesterday that my wireless internet eventually f$%^ed up. :x
I was thinking maybe you could write a post on 20 reasons why being single is a great idea? I am sure that will have lots of takers.
And I apologize for not having replied to your email yet. I will...please give me some more time.
@ richa
Yes I know that's a soft view...the reality can be a bit scary and THIS IS a Public blog right!!!!
@ woodie
That's a great idea...I am smiling while thinking about the same.....
And no issues with the reply....take your time...
just came here to tell u that i am missing u like crazy Kanu...:(
Meet me this sturday..or...i'll kill u..
can't afford to get killed yet honey....Saturday it is.
You are right. They sometimes do make it sound like a disease. As soon as the month of February started, Valentine's Day Bash, roses, gifts, cards,flirt, chat, this, that....Irritating!It was all over TV, all the FM Channels of Kolkata and of course, in the newspapers. I didn't see many red balloons though.
@ Sinjini
I do not really know how to reply....you are too young kido to start hating V Day. But I guess you are too young to enjoy it otherwise....
Even I did not see many red balloons but yes I did manage to see obnoxious red hearts of all sizes dangling about and people wearing weird combos trying to look pretty!
Yeah but actually I was talking about the view from your window. I guess it didn't get conveyed properly. :-)
Hey... nice view from your balcony!
Who thought love was easy? Not one who has fallen (in love) and risen bruised, at least.
kya mast balcony hai re teri !!!!
wah wah..
about valentines day...
main bhi likhunga kuch... soon...
You know, am here for the first time and I absolutely love the look of your blog, especially the purple on blue. It's just so, so elegant. Be sure I'll be back for more.
@ richa
Hmm...I guess I jumped the gun. Thanks for that!
@ subhadip
True....but what about the people who wish to fall yet somehow never manage to? For them it is worse! In the case you portrayed atleast the people enjoyed while it lasted!
@ Prashant
Thanks...Some view ain't it! Waiting for your post
@ swetank
Well thanks a lot. Worked like crazy to get that look! And would sure wait to c ya around!!!
i wrote a comment here, why its not appearing.......
enjoy ur time lady.....being single on vday is the best thing that cud happen to any1 :)
Am late but i guess Vday can be celebrated whole life ..it just the matter of love :)
and i really don like this idea of celbrating Vday with baloons and red roses ..its more like dramatic n i think love is soft like feather :) ..n need much better tratment than vday 's loud celebration but i agree weather was exceptinally good on that but traffic was pathetic ..late bhi ho gaya office ke liye :P
n i m J of u ..i love the view from ur balcony :)
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