He stared at her and smiled, his eyes warming up instantly as she gave a glorious warm hearted smile in return.
"What do you think?" she asked and he nodded.
"It's looking amazing!"
"You think so?" she asked again and looked at her reflection in the full length mirror. He moved behind her so that his eyes held hers captive.
"You are so beautiful," he said and she felt tears well up in her own eyes. She could not look anywhere else.
"You make me look beautiful."
The woman stood just round the next counter, a small amused smile on her face. She was aware of the slight pain in her chest as the green eyed monster started to roll its fangs again but she pulled on her sunglasses and looked away. She could not possibly do much about the situation. It was a done deal. She needed to let it all go and move forward in her life. It had been his choice. She had been a nobody...but important to win over. A mere card...and as he always said...It does not matter what cards are in your hands...what matters is the cards in the the opponents hands. And she had learned the game from the master. Had seen the way he would set his hand, would make sure he realized the opponent's weakness and then he would strike!
"Alisha...have you ever noticed the King of Spades?" he had asked her one day while they sat sipping on coffee in his bedroom, the cards spread out on the bed.
"Ofcourse I have. What's there to notice?"
"Notice girl...Only the King of Spades looks in the opposite direction...always!"
She stared on as he threw the four kings towards her. It was true she was not too much into cards...that it was only a game...yet she did play on a regular bases.
"King of Spades somehow generates Power. I don't know why he looks in the opposite direction but I presume that it teaches us that if you want power...look where no one else is looking!"
"Scared Alisha?" he asked and she shook her head.
"Not scared Sid. Not scared at all."
He smiled and forwarded his hand and she held it without shame. Let him be the King of Spades...she thought.
Bringing herself back to the present she stared on at the two people completely lost in their own small world. He had not changed much when it came to looks. Standing at modest Indian height of 5'10" he was not a Greek god by any standards. Yet there was that coldness in his eyes that could warm you up! And while you basked in the glorious warmth he would sum you up, understand the importance and build his own hand. She had been the Ace...the all important power card for him. Long before she could dream about being the queen she was discarded. He reached his heights and she was left with a pack of cards. She walked around the counter, pointedly ignoring the man she could never truly ignore. Just a chance spotting him in the mall had made her chase him around. She was not prepared to face him. Not yet, she thought and walked out of the shop, her head starting to ache. Desperately she needed to get out of the situation. Desperately she wished to forget she had seen him. It hurt her, to see him nice and happy with another woman. Yes...he would be playing her around too. But what was it in his eyes she had seen? Was it genuine love? It couldn't possibly be that! He was not the kind of men who understood subtle emotions like love. For him it was always about power and money meant power. Once he had left her to explore the glorious heights of success it had been a hard road. It took her time to rebound but she eventually did. Now she had everything a woman could possibly ask for, a comfortable and respectable job in one of the best companies, a loving husband and a beautiful daughter. Yet today, when she saw him, she could not help the bitterness calling up on her again. Entering the darkened bar she felt a bit relaxed. Yes, she could use a drink before she met up with Shantanu.
Sipping on her vodka, she felt memories start to fade against the burning liquid. And then it was not meant to be. The door opened and the very man walked in, accompanied by the woman on his side. She prayed he would not see her yet wished he would. Strangely, her prayers were granted and he walked to the other corner, holding her hand firmly as he did. She looked on at the woman with a critical eye. She was not overtly beautiful for sure. A little plump definitely. And her hair were short, too short for his taste! Gulping down her vodka in one sure swig she removed a cigarette from her pack and lighted it. Her fingers shook slightly as her eyes strayed towards his hands, holding hers across the table. She loved Shantanu...then why was she feeling this way? He was a no one from her past...then why had she jumped when the shadow crossed her path unexpectedly?
To be contd....
I like the way you've written this.
The beginning confused me a little but I went back to it after reading the latter half and then each word made perfect sense.
And yes, the description of the king of spades is beautifully put.
I waiting for you to continue..wonder what inspires you..anyways wonderful fiction for free..thumbs up!
Wow.what a beautiful flow of words and the expression..amaxing thing bit the king of spades...
very well written..
lookin fwd to the next part..............
@ richa, titash and standby
thnx :)
good work girl and yes i actually noticed spade :)
very very rythem ..and thats the best thing in your wrds :)
good fluency of words.........but to tell ya frankly.....the plots more or less are getting repetitve now........
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