Friday, October 31, 2014

Technology and Education...what are we not giving to our next generation

Technology has rapidly changed the way we live our lives. It would not be exaggerated if it was commented that it is difficult to fathom life without the technology. We are accustomed to it, and have twisted and turned the way we live to accommodate the technological advancements. Unwittingly, we have accepted and changed our lifestyles completely and enslaved the future generations to technology! And the business of education is growing leaps and bounds...with extensive research and development, e-learning and what not! As a Senior Officer in a leading educational institute I am bombarded with requests from various new start ups and old stalwarts about the new age learning techniques! Making textbooks and notebooks redundant seems to be there motto...and while I acknowledge that there are some novel ideas behind the technological inroads to the Education System of the country, I feel a strange nostalgic tug of a good old tattered book, the smiling and sari clad teachers and the endless pages of homework that used to wear us out!
A fine woman recently met me, talking on and on about how redundant the Indian Education System was, how it was based on Rote Learning and how it was a bane on the future of our children. I heard her out patiently and even though I strongly felt the urge to tell her otherwise, I nodded and agreed with her. Experience had taught me that simply nodding is the best way to get the person share every detail about their product! I wish to present that question out to the masses and the educated strate of the Indian Society now, the young and the old parents who crib what the Indian Education System has failed to deliver and ask one simple question....If your education system has given you the understanding of what is right and what is can that education system be wrong?

India is, impressively, a land of ancient innovations. The ancient Indian Civilizations were miles ahead; we as a community mastered the art of passing on information from one generation to another by means of oral learning...there are hymns as ancient as humans themselves that are resonant in southern parts of the country...the old texts are relevant even today. The world sits and marvels at the relevance of Yoga and follows it...and here is a generation that simply gears up and was all rubbish!

I am all for technology but we must understand that in the garb of technology there are many things which we are not teaching our kids. And because of that, we are now spending extra money on "Specialists" who would help in the Holistic Education of our child. Think over it!