Thursday, April 02, 2009

I am a strange I not? I go on and announce that I am cming back to bloggerdom and bang do a vanishing act again. Honestly...I had gotten into these really bad lazy modes and even sitting in front of a computer was such a drag!!! I never realized getting married would bring out the worst in me. I would share this comment a friend once made...a very dear friend of mine told me, "Kanika, the day you fall in love you would not be able to write!" He believed that and today...after six years he thinks that he has proved his point. That friend is now my husband and what to say...I would not wish to believe that could happen to me. I can still write...but one thing I have to give to him...I don't know what to write about. The other day I was inspired about writing this blog about the Story After the Ever After! I know take up the challenge of taking up where most of the people love to leave their stories at...As to what happens to Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth once they move over to Pemberly....What happens to Raj and Simran after he pulls her on board that train? In short...What happens when two people totally in love with each other get married!!!!

I can write about that now....seeing that I belong to that category now...that's right...I would fashion myself a new blog...See you there!!!!


RB said...

Arrre!! Congratulations!
Have a happy happy married life, and tell us all about it too. :P

Waiting to see the new blog.

Subhadip said...

Come to think of it... I did think it was weird that you were gone, even after saying you are back!

And weirder still... taking my address and sending the card... which they misplaced. Damn those courier guys! But you know my bestest wishes are there for you guys. This suddenly reminded me of a conversation we had about relationship jitters, and my analysis thereafter. Remember that? Congratulations to both of you.

See you there in the new blog :)

Butterfly said...

Congratulations! Wish you and your husband a happy married life.:-)