Friday, June 20, 2008

Perfect life...

How do you write a perfect story? What is it that one sould keep in mind while writing a story that would catch people's attention? There has to be something special, something unique about the central character. Something that eithr shocks or srprises the reader or maybe gains the reader's empathy! A certain amount of twists and turns, a few revolutionary idea or maybe a certain complicated love angle. That is perhaps why Deepanshu's life holds no lure to the sect of famous storytellers.

There was nothing that would make a person frown or laugh or for that matter cry. A very normalguy with a very ordinary life. Born into a comfortable home, Deepanshu had everything. A doting mother and a caring father; an elder brother who was easily his best friend as well and a younger sister who was just too sweet and afectionate. He went to a regular school and was through and through an above average student. Teacher's seldom found any fault in him. If they did complain then it was his below average score in Geography but then that is again normal. He scored well enough to get admission in his choice of subject and after completing his graduation went to another institute for his post graduation. That is where he met Priyanka and it was love at first sight.
Regardless of the fact that Priyanka belonged to another cast, the families had no objection to the match. He joined the family business after his marriage that provided the bread and butter to the family. Life came a full circle for him when his son joines his business and his daughter went on to become an architect. When Deepanshu died at the age of 80, it can be safely said that he died an old and happy man.

Sadly nobody wanted to write a story about Deepanshu for there was just nothing in his life worth mentioning. Deepanshu's life was magical...some would say almost like a fairytale with a happily ever after...

Ironical ain't it? Nobody wants to write about his life for it was PERFECT!


Anonymous said...

a story can be written.......u just need the good story teller :)

Butterfly said...

Great observation!:-)
Nobody would want to write a story about somebody who leads a perfect life. The story would become very boring then. In fact, it would not be a story at all.

I'm all that said...

You are truly amazing. The perspective, the words, the thoughts, are so touching.

Subhadip said...

Well written. However, I also agree with what Deeps said.

One example is a story by Somerset Maugham I remember called "Salvatore". Read it if you can, you will know what I mean.