Sunday, January 17, 2010

Clocking one Year and rearing for more...

Well that's right. I would be completing one year of marriage as the month ends and what do I have to say about this year long journey...boy was it tough!
To be honest there were times when I cursed the day I decided to marry. Not that I don' love my husband any more or he doesn't do that either...its just we were so much the better when we were only in love with each other. The expectations were low, the love was uncomplicated and the only two people who truly mattered were him and me. So of course it was shear bliss. Come marriage and things began to complicate. What with relations and the have to's of the world and society. Also the fact that both of us hail from two totally different sectors of the society with cultural gorges in between, didn't help. The end result was that we were angry from each other, fighting on issues that could have been avoided and simply sleeping with headaches...if you know what I mean!
Add to that the joy of being parents was also witnessed by us which was adulterated by the very worry of managing it. Our son...the essence of both of our lives was in front of us and two people who love each other so much were fighting the urge to run away. (At least I was!) And then I saw the silver lining. The fact that no matter how bad the fight was, both of us always wanted to end it asap. The fact that my heart still flutters in my chest everytime I see him. The fact that he still has the twinkle in his eye whenever I am loking pretty, the fact that we were happy when the other was happy...all these came rushing back. Happy memories the year gone by, the days and nights spent cuddled up, the sweet smile, the happy face and the lovable care...that is what also made my year. So why was it only bad? It wasn't.
And then we got our little bundle of joy...that small little smile, the twinkling black eyes, the naughty crooked eyebrows...our son.

So what do I have to say about the first year of marriage...I lived every moment of it.


Butterfly said...

Congratulations! Wishing you many more years of happiness...:-)

So, what does 'Artham' mean?

Kanika said...

@ butterfly

Thanks darling. Artham is the golden lotus on Lord Vishnu's forehead that gives birth t prosperity, also means fortune.

@ hubby dearest...

And I thought you would be complimenting me or atleast telling me that the past year was good for you as well...Alas!!!!

@ whoever and whatever..


Anonymous said...
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Experiences of a Homemaker said...

I think so many people have unrealistic expectations of what marriage is all about. It's probably a big reason there are so many divorces in the world. Marriage isn't at all like most movies make it look. It takes a lot of work! It's wonderful, but it takes work, and there will be many times you'll think,"What the heck was I thinking when I got married?!" So worth it, though.