Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The Slumber Ends...

Waking up from a deep slumber can sometimes be rather unpleasant. To begin with, you don't want to. I mean why to leave the comfort of the bed, the soft warmth of your baby besides you, the silence and peace of nothingness...Then of course it is the thought of the day to day that irritates and annoys and gnaws on the last bits of sleep. With an unsettled mind, you let go for you must. And today, I do the same.

I had all but given up writing. It was perhaps my lack of time (though strictly not true!) that kept me away from doing the one thing that I love to do most...write. But then I stumbled on a line in a Paulo Coehlo's book....the Zaahir. I have not finished reading it, but I read 10 pages and felt this deep urge to get up and write...write for there was never ever anything else that I wanted to do in my life. Even when I aspired to be a doctor, I did under the assumption that once I was a doctor, I would have enough money and time to sit and write. Then I wanted to be a designer, a Manager and then a wife and a mother. At every turn in my life, I gave myself reasons why I could not write and waited for that perfect time to appear. As predictable...that moment never really came. Until I read the words...

"The truth is that I have money, I have contacts, but what I don’t have is the courage to write a book."
The words... stared at me from the pages of a book that has been lying on a shelf, unattended. Wasn't it true for me as well? Was I not just hiding behind the many many reasons to simply avoid accepting that the only thing I did not have was courage.

I don't claim that I have some all of a sudden...but what I do have is renewed vigor, motivation and perhaps a strong desire, to wake up. My slumber has long kept me under the sheets but the joys of life, of getting up and getting out are forcing me to leave the nasty comforts of my bed and dare...I still don't have my story...but I have my words back and my brain cells twirling with ideas...I can see many colors around and though the bed is all cosy...I must get up...for when we don't try, dreams turn into regrets.

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