Saturday, July 29, 2006

A Call centre Story

She looked with a sad smile on her face, her dark black eyes not hiding what she felt. She was not ashamed of her feelings...had never been. Neither had she asked him to reciprocate. Lighting the cigarette in her hand she sat on the stair, feeling the smoke ease out the tensions that seemed to flood her heart.
"So I will never see you again?" she asked and he nodded. The woman was unlike any other he had ever come across. Such honesty. A couple of months ago she had told him about her love for him. After that they had been friends, yet never had she asked for anything other than what he was able to give her...few moments of togetherness. A friend...that's it. Now she was leaving and she had no complaints. She could ask him to keep in touch...he too wanted to. Yet life was more complicated...
Accepting the forwarded cigarette, he nodded and sat next to her.
"We'll always be friends...right?"
She nodded, slowly inhaling on the smoke, avoiding to look at him. Without realizing it was time for her to leave, the cab mates were calling out to her.
"You take care. And do keep in touch. Bye," her voice was happy, face completely devoid of any pain he might have imagined.
They hugged and that was it. She left, not turning back and wishing life would give her another chance. She knew she would meet someone who would be able to love her...yet no regrets. She might not get love but she knew she had made a friend.

The boy shrugged and went back to his shift...the night was still young and he had to work.

He felt the strain getting to him...night after night he just worked. Just three more minutes for the shift to end, he thought, his eyes constantly on the Avaya, praying that it would not ring. He could see night fading away...2 minutes to five. I am out of cigarettes...the thought came crashing. And at this hour the pan wala next to the office was not present. And then he smiled, she would always have an extra cigarette to lend. Smiling he looked at the Avaya and then his login time...well...finally. three seconds won't really hurt!

And then after a series of codes he was logged out..the first of his team. Hurrying out he stopped for his coffee and then he was out. The empty stairs greeted his eyes. And in that instant the fact came rushing in...she would not be there to greet him in the mornings...he would never see her again. Slowly he sank to the stairs, the cigarette forgotten. When she was around he never realized...he had lost her...forever!


~ Deeps ~ said...

can identify with story tho the setting cud be different.........

Kanika said...


Could i ask you to lend me a snap for the post...i can almost build a new story on each and every pic of yours...wel..almost!!!

Subhadip said...

Can definitely see this happening... I can see the setting... the stairs outside the building in plot 314... well written.

Kanika said...


:) Well. it is 314 did not inspire this but hey...anything is fine...

~ Deeps ~ said...

yes mam....i have no probs with let me know which one u want.........

Kanika said...


all your pictures are so pretty...just mail me one and i shall make a call centre story on any one of them...

pls dont ask me to choose...i honestly think all are worth a million words!!

~ Deeps ~ said...

wats ur email id ? mail me at