Tuesday, September 12, 2006

A lesson not learnt!

Call centres prepared me for a load many things. Yet it never taught me the realities of life or to be put honestly, the facts about Corporates. At this moment all I can say is that either I am caught up in a wrong place or perhaps there is something completely wrong with me. A senior recently said, "Kanika apparently call centres treated you rather well...for what you are going through is very common in corporates. That is how they work..."

What to say?

The things about the place they call call centres was that there was always loads of work there. You hardly got anytime to sit idle. Thought your job was miniscule yet its importance was openly acknowledged and everybody was ready with a smile. They would never stare arrogantly at you, never did anyone ignore a greeting and people in general though mostly sleepy, were full of life and dreams. Corporates, apparently lack all of it. They work in a 9 to 5 environment, always waste more time then do anything productive, a complete lack of training and total politics.

I am wrong. I let my first job teach me that everyone is equal, it taught me the importance of time and getting the work done, it taught me the importance of sticking to your commitment, healthy working environment and happiness as the essence. It taught me that every penny is worth it only when at the end of the day when you sit on your bed your work has exhausted you such that you can sleep peacefully.

It never taught me that discriminations happen, that incompetence is always tolerated and that punctuality is a myth.

Maybe it made me too idealistic...or maybe i never learnt that all crucial lesson of Perceptions can be deceptive...


~ Deeps ~ said...

hmmm quite true in way and i agree it seems that call centre has treated u quite well....cuz i have heard same kind of stories from my friend...including a hr who has worked in two biggest bpo in del......

regarding corporates...yeah lot of politics at play and if u r not smart enough, u wont grow, not always ur work count.......there are other forces also at work here........but then again....there is always a way out of it.....only if u r smart enough to find it in ur office envt :)

~ Deeps ~ said...

and yeah btw i guess those days are gone when it was 9-5 job...its now 9-9 job :(

Subhadip said...

It is not a myth... best practises will one day be shared and so called corporates will also learn professionalism. not that ITES practises are perfect, but they have something to offer.

I like that part about working so hard, you go home and sleep peacefully. Has been a long time since that has happened to me.

Kanika said...

@ deeps

Well I am all set to learn again...its just that this is so not me and it gets taxing so very much

@ subhadip

true, ITES are not perfect....but so much better...3 cheers to the new work culture...so hope the rest make haste!