Monday, April 06, 2009

THE WEDDING...31st Jan 2009

If a few months ago I thought getting married was fun...I was wrong. If a few months ago I thought weddings are beautiful...I was wrong. If a few months ago...That ain't important. I would try and narrate my wedding. Every woman, atleast once in her lifetime looks at a wedding, the flowers and the lights, the beautifully clad women and handsomely dressed men and the extensive festivities and wonder..."My wedding would be so very beautiful!" And then she gets married!!!

Please don't be wedding was equally beautiful and well lit and cheerful and everyhing...the only thing is...I never noticed any of it. And it is not because my heart was thudding wildly in my chest and my eyes were all dreamy about the man standing next to soul mate soon going to be my husband! It was plain and simple stage fright!

The day started off with all the joys and then it was a long trip to the parlour...getting dressed for your wedding is a long job!!! The excitement was there. After all that evening I would finally be married to the man I had loved for six long years! My wait was over and my dreams would come true. At that moment I hardly cared that my dress and jwellery had easily topped 10 kilos...the moment was simple bliss. And then it was the moment I would be face to face with him...walking flanked by my sister and bhabhi and all the cousins and loved ones, I tried to focus but the embarrassment was acute. are lookig pretty but when you see it in your man's me you can't avoid blushing. And then I was near the stage and he came forward and held out his hand and wow it was just amazing. So utterly beautiful...what was I to do but not feel the butterflies erupt in my stomach. And then I was on the stage and turned to look at the mass of people gathered...and there goes the wedding! My age long stage fright kicked me hard in my gut and every pleasure left my heart.

That's right...don't ask me anything else about the wedding! I mean just imagine people you have never set your eyes on are gawking at you, assessing you and commenting about you...the photographer is constantly clicking away the camera, not giving you any moment's worth of rest...the chattering and the endless list of relatives. All of a sudden you are a bhabhi, a chachi, a mami and god knows what all...and to think that everyone is expecting you would remember there face when yu can hardly see! And not to mention the agonizing pain in your cheeks beause you have been constantly smiling for hours now...the excruciating pain in your limbs that has finaly started to acknowledge the add on weight of your dress...Whoever said weddings are beautiful never got married!!!

Inspite of the terror ride...its strange how you think about the day and your heart fills with a mystical you look back at all the weird and crazy happenings of the day...for instance the time the light bulb exploded and burnt a hole in my dress and set my groom on fire!!!...and can't help but smile. It's strange that you can not remember a time when you wanted to be somewhere else and yet fel your heart start to murmur a long lost hindi song all mush and everything...

It's strange that I believe that getting married is no fun...yet...I say it with a smile on my face and a sparkle in my eyes...


Subhadip said...

Ha Ha !!!

I still can't imagine you doing / going through all that in spite of all the descriptions!

And, no pictures? I have an even bet placed on the color of the bridal wear :)

Butterfly said...

The way you have written about your wedding is really nice. Your embarrassment as well as your happiness is quite evident.

And, yeah, do post some pictures!

Butterfly said...

Your new blog title is very good, by the way. :-)

Kanika said...


Believe me...your own wedding is the worst place to be in!!!! :) And what bet? I wasn't wearing black you know

@ butterfly

Thanks and I am so glad that you still follow my blog.

I'll try to get some photos.

Subhadip said...

Glad you didn't! I haven't seen a bride in black yet, you know!